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Pay with AlipayHK.

Current loan balance due
${{ amount }}
  1. Open the AlipayHK app

    App not opening?
    Make sure the app is installed. If not, download it on the Play Store ↗︎

  2. Make sure you have enough balance to make your payment

  3. Click “Transfer”

  4. Type this mobile phone number into the grey box:

  5. Click on the mobile number

  6. IMPORTANT! Change transfer method to FPS

  7. Make sure that you see GOOD F******** L******

  8. Type your amount due

    You can enter a different amount if you wish.

  9. Type your HKID number in the “Remarks” box

    If you are paying for someone else, type in their HKID number.

  10. Click “Confirm transfer”

  11. Click “Pay Now”

  12. Enter your AlipayHK payment password

  13. Good job! 🎉

    Got an error?
    First, check all the details and try again.

    Still having trouble?
    Contact us and we’ll help you out.

  14. You will get a payment confirmation SMS within 24 hours 📲

  15. Good Financial is now saved for super easy future transfers!